A small mistake during construction of poultry farm. So you have to understand the importance of basic fundamentals of poultry’s design. There are many points can influence the growth of poultry’ birds. And can increase the profit of your poultry farm. Best poultry farm design control temperature, and helps to remove unwanted gases like ammonia from poultry farm. By this birds get comfortable environment and stress get reduced, and the effect of Viral and Bacterial diseases get reduced.
First Understand The Reason for Good Poultry Design.
There are many micro-environments which influence the factors of better production efficiently, and explain the importance of temperature, relative humidity and ventilation for removal of excess unwanted gases like Ammonia,carbon dioxide etc in poultry sheds.
If The Bird is in a Comfortable position, Birds will be stress free, Stress free bird means less Chance of Disease & more chance of better production.
If a bird is in stress condition, the body has to spend huge energy to cope up stress & Bird will be more prone to Viral & Bacterial disease.
Remember Single Mistakes in Poultry Shed Design can cause blunder.
It also has been observed, Respiratory, digestive and behavioral disorders are more likely to occur in houses in which the climatic conditions are not up to standard or favorable for poultry ‘birds.
Note down below Points during constructing a poultry farm.
1-Long axis should be East To West and width extending North-South in tropical countries.
2- Foundation Solid concrete blocks and bricks with 1.5 to 2 feet below the surface and 1 to 1.5 feet above the ground level.
The Solid reason for Extra Strong Foundation is, If in future you wish to plan a double story poultry sheds, then You no need to worry about its Foundation again.
3- Floor – A cement concrete floor will eliminate disease problems and help in easy cleaning and disinfection and reduce problems due to insect & disease.
Concrete floors are always better for commercial broiler chicken poultry farming.
Initially you can start without Concrete Floor, but without Strong Concrete, litter absorbs moisture from bottom of surface & can increase moisture level of Litter which can cause extra gases production resulting stress on birds and poor production & it increases the chances of Respiratory disease.
4– Width of poultry shed must not more than 30 feet. If the width of the shed is more than 30 feet it can cause ventilation issues. But you can increase the width in EC (Environmental Control )houses up to 40 feet. But remember only if you have strong backups of electricity & 100 % sure about the E.C.System and backup of electricity will never fail.
But I personally recommend 30 Feet Wide sheds are better. There is no limit for length of your poultry House.
5- Poultry’s farm height from foundation to the roof line from both sides should be 9-10 feet

and at the center 12 feet With slope from centers to sides.
In case of double story sheds it’s not applicable.
In case of cage houses, the height is decided by the type of cage arrangements as per manufacturers. (3 or 4 tier)
Example– Sides of Shed Should be 1.5 feet -2 Feet & will be covered by Bricks or concrete & pending Area Will be open & covered by Wire mash.

In cage houses, avoid side wall or discuss with the company, which is installing it.
6-Hinges on every wall on net, Up & Down.It Give Good grip for Curtains.
7– The roof at the eaves (Chhajaa in Hindi ) should at least extend 3 to 4 feet (1 to 1.25 meters.)

This Point is very much important, because it don’t allow the rainy water in rainy season entering in farm.
8-Doors -Single Door is considered better for little easy to operate. But either single or double door both way as you wish depending only on cost.
9-Roof-You can choose any type of Roof,Concrete,or Any type of strong Sheets, tiled, asbestos, or concrete depending upon the cost involvement.

If land is costly & you wish to plan double story shed than flat concrete sheds are also preferred.
The most important insulation requirements are in the roof. A well-insulated roof will reduce solar heat penetrating the house on warm days, thus decreasing the heat load on the birds. In cold weather a well-insulated roof will reduce heat loss and energy consumption needed to maintain the correct environment for the chick during the brooding phase, the most important time in the development of the chick.
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10-The roofing materials used may vary based on the needs, requirements and budget of the farmer. The various roofing materials are straw, coconut leaf, palmyrah leaf, light roof (Asphalt coated), tiles, plastic, asbestos, aluminium, fibre glass, etc.
Try the material which leads the roofs cool. Because birds hate high temperature after few days.
The material used for covering roof should not fovor to increase temperature.
11-Side wall- As almost side wall are only -1.5 feet high outside from the bottom of Poultry’s shed floor. Other Area is only covered by Wire Mash.
But Wire mash only should not allow entry of any insects,snake or lizard inside your Poultry Farm.
12-Door Opening- The door must be open outside mostly in deep-litter poultry houses.Foot Bath-The size of door is preferably minimum 6 x 2.5-3 Feet.
13-Many Poultry Farmers construct a foot bath fill with a disinfectant at entry of Poultry shed.
This is wrong practice. Because by this wet shoes enter in Poultry farm and Can make Litter wet.
So this Practice must be done at the main entrance of the Poultry farm, instead of the entrance of the shed.
14-Floor must be flat concrete with slope on desired area, Floor must have a slope on both sides Horizontally & Vertically for easy cleaning and flow of water should be impermeable to parasites and easy to clean other materials. But remember flow should be proper without any mistake.
15-Water tank must be of large capacity, in any emergency situation, you must have stock of Water.
16- Godown- Feed storage room must be big depending upon the capacity of Farm and store room should be extra for storage of poultry equipment’s in case of no use. Godown must have a outside door of such type, when you receive poultry feed, vehicles don’t have to enter in poultry farm .
17-Environmental control sheds are better than traditional sheds.
But initially, if you are planning to make Traditional Poultry Sheds, than Option of Installing Environmental control system must be there, So that in future you should not suffer extra Loss.
18- If using Plastic Pipes for water supply, Underground fittings are best. Some Poultry Farmers suffered huge loss, if accidentally pipe broke & water flow can disturb the internal environment & cause huge stress.
19-Electricity System- Main Electric system must be outside of the poultry’s house. So that birds must not be disturbed for small work related to electricity.
20-Generator- An Insulated Generator room must be separate & little away from Poultry Shed & Insulated to reduce noise or you can use Silent generator.
Never make Generator room so short, in any issue or trouble, it can be repaired easily.
21-Office – Office must be near the entry of Poultry Farm .Front of office must be covered with transparent glass. So that every entrance & activity could be noticed easily.
22-If planning to extend your poultry Farm than difference between one shed to another shed should be minimum 50 feet , You Can reduce it ,But I recommend you 40-50 Feet is better.
23-Never forget to leave extra space on the last boundary of your poultry farm. Because if someone constructs any property, their wall can cover your poultry farm’s boundary.
So always leave space if some other person constructs anything near the boundary of his property, you must not have fear of covering your poultry farm.
You can leave space of 30-40 feet at your land boundary.if you feel situation like this.
24-In the Corner of Poultry Shed a Postmortem Space with a Table must be present with hand wash facility.
25-If Planning a Big Poultry Farm, Labor Quarter with good ventilation with Separate Toilet Must be built as per requirement
26- Always remember, If Planning a small project then, you initially must not plan big office & Unnecessarily luxury. Because it increases the cost of Poultry Farm.