Curtain Management
First understand the importance of Curtain management.
Always keep in mind Key to maximizing bird performance is the provision of a consistent house environment. Huge fluctuations in poultry house temperature, can cause stress on the birds and affect high feed consumption and more chances of disease.
These fluctuations will result in additional expenditure to maintain body temperature. It helps to conserve heating costs.
Curtain management is important factor to maintain the correct environment for the chick during the brooding phase and complete life, the most important time in the development of the chicks. If in starting days chicks get good temperature
, there are very less chance of disease.
So take care of Below Points.
The top of the curtain & Bottom must overlap a solid surface to prevent leaks; an overlap of at least around 6 inches.
In easy words, Size of Curtain must cover 6 Inch Extra from the Bottom side and 6 Inches from Upper side.
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Curtains should be Strong triple Layers.
Some Poultry Farmer make mistake by using very low quality Curtains & can’t maintain proper temperature and some time in rainy season or sudden strong winds poor quality curtains can’t handle the challenging situations. This will put extra stress on birds resulting high mortality.
Curtains need to be sealed at the base to prevent air leaks at floor and upper level with hinges.
In Curtains get damaged accidentally. All holes and tears must be repaired immediately.
In winter season Double Curtain are required one of plastic and other made of Joot
other Curtain made of Joot material.
In Winter Season, Some time there are Load of huge Unwanted Gases in Poultry Farm & it become necessary to eliminate all gases from poultry Farm. At that time, when you open plastic Curtains, than cold wind immediately imbalance the temperature of Poultry shed.
At the same time joot Curtains allow gases to came out & allow fresh air in poultry farm slowly, but don’t allow cold air blow in poultry shed immediately. By this temperature don’t fell down immediately.
In Hot Areas in summer, blow of hot air can cause huge mortality because of heat stroke. You can sprinkle water on this curtains to decrease temperature. By this blow of hot air get reduced and mortality rates get decrease.
Curtain must be opened from the top level never from the bottom side, as per requirements
When to use Curtains or not to use- Everything depends on Temperature. You just follow the temperature requirement & Use the curtain as per requirement
In the Temperature management in poultry each and every point is covered in detail.
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