Broiler Poultry Training English

Disadvantages of cages in Broiler Poultry Farming ?

Many Poultry farmers rear birds in Deep Litter But some Poultry farmers rear Broilers in Battery cages.

The First disadvantage is Extra heat, As Some Countries’ environments are hotter than western countries.

Broiler’s Bird Cages are made of Iron or aluminium. So it gets hotter & can cause extra mortality. Because broiler Birds are more sensitive to heat.

Second Electricity backup is a Must in Cage System for Broiler Poultry Farming. Without electricity backup you can’t manage your broiler’s birds. Because of cooling management.

If the environment is too hot or too cold & if you can’t manage proper temperature for broiler birds, it can cause huge mortality.

The Deep litter System (Where birds are reared on a simple floor) you simply take broiler’s birds out from Farm in very less time, But In cage system it’s a little tougher to deal with than deep litter.

The other demerit of the cage system in broiler birds is Cage Fatigue, The broiler birds in Cage & birds can’t move freely, The Stress is there.

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The main drawback is that the initial expense is too high.

In Deep litter it is very economical but Cage’s expenses of the whole building is very high & it can reach up to 4-5 times of the Deep litter system. If you are going to open a farm in the initial stage and not sure about profit? Never think about Cage’s System in Broiler Poultry farming.

There are many advantages of the cage system in poultry. You must take care of all points.

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