Broiler Poultry Training English

Feed Management in Poultry.

Poultry Feed involves more than 70%-80% of ready Broiler Bird’s Cost. So proper management is key to success of a poultry farm.

In the modern time, poultry farmers are only calculating or give importance to only F.C.R. (Feed Conversion Ratio)

But you should also calculate final profit. Including F.C.R.

First understand F.C.R. –

Average Feed intake by Bird

Divided by average weight gain.

Less F.C.R Considered better because of less feed intake and more weight.

But this system doesn’t work in many cases.

For example A poultry Farmer is Getting F.C.R of 1.7 with Feed with Feed Cost of Rs.35/Kg.

& Other B Poultry farmer is having F.C.R of 1.8 with Feed cost of Rs.28/Kg.

Poultry Farmer getting Loss even after getting F.C.R of 1.7 with feed price 35 & Poultry farmer is in more benefit with F.C.R 1.8 with feed cost Rs.  28/Kg.

Poultry Feed involves more than 70%-80% of Broiler Bird’s Cost. So always calculate your final profit with F.C.R.

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So if you are involved in large scale poultry farming don’t depend on branded or source feed. Always prefer making feed by your own formulation with your own resources by purchasing all ingredients.

You must give preference to crumbs feed till pre starter & if you are shifting from

Poultry feed making tips s

pre starter to starter feed don’t shift the feed to birds immediately add 50 % pre starter in 50 % Starter feed for minimum 1-2 days then shift to starter feed. You should follow the same pattern the same when you shift your birds to starter feed to finisher feed. Pre starter feed, starter feed and finisher feed have different energy protein values and motive is don’t shift the birds immediately on higher energy or less protein feed it can cause stress.

If planning to use mash feed in starter and finisher feed same, the same method

Mash Poultry Feed

should be applied.

If you use mash feed, particle size of feed must be very fine otherwise birds will have to consume extra energy to digest feed and F.C.R. will be increased.

In very first day you should use chick’s tray or you can use same box in which you receive chicks by cutting sides of boxes Box should be cut by giving a few inch space to less wastage of Poultry feeds.

On Very first day you can spread feed on papers also for very easy availability of feed. Initially 1-2 days ignore negligible wastage, because in the early stage our primary focus on Birds’ feeding requirements.

Before receiving chicks, Cross check all feeders are sanitized, proper clean & moisture free.

For the first 7-10 days you can use the same boxes

Chicks Box.

in which you received chicks/ Feed trays. Trays should be provided at a rate of one per 40-50 chicks.

Feeder also should be used & placed randomly between the feeding line and drinker’s lines. It makes the chick also familiar to feeders.

Feeding system is not be empty as this will place great stress on the chick and reduce yolk sac absorption.

Cross check you are having sufficient Stock of Feed at your poultry farm. Always provided as a good quality and balance feed formula.

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