Poultry Record
Every poultry farmer should keep all the records for the betterment of your business. Because of this practice, you can increase your profit and can save yourself from any mistakes in initial stages and you can make judgement of any disease in the initial stage and save yourself from huge loss.
If you are running a small or medium level poultry farm then you must below mention record and if you are running a big scale poultry farm, then you ask your manager to maintain all records and cross check all records regularly.
Which records you should maintain at your poultry farm.
Temperature of Poultry Farm–
Temperature must be noted two times a day. Once Around 2 P:M and around 8 P:M. Because highest temperature reaches to peak. By this you can take important decisions to control temperature at your poultry farm.
In the initial stage Humidity also should be monitored two times a day.
Mortality of birds on each day.
Always Note daily mortality of the birds. By this in any case you can take immediate action, if mortality increases, you can take immediate action to find out the reason.
Water Consumption-You must note the daily water consumption. Decrease of water consumption indicates any issue related to birds health and control the problem in early stage. Daily water consumption must be noted on same time.
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Feed consumption– Daily feed consumption record must be recorded to ensure birds are getting as per requirement.
Vaccine record -When you vaccinate your birds, all record with date of vaccine, vaccine manufacturer and with expiry date.
Medicine Record -All record of feed supplements and medicine you provided. Also note the name of the manufacturer of medicine and the name of the dealer with price and don’t forget to attach the slip or bill of medicine. This can help you to understand which supplement or medicine performed better.
Record of all expenses-
Each and every record of expenses with all receipts or bills.
F.C.R. (Feed conversion Ratio).
This is a record -How much average feed birds consumed and how much weight birds given average. You have to calculate F.C.R. all the times, when you sell small amounts of birds. Because you have to sell birds many times
Birds Selling Records-In which date , how many birds you sold out .Note all the record with selling price and with average. It will help you to make judgement in future.
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