Traditional Chicks heater
The chick is highly dependent on the correct litter temperature. If the litter and air temperatures are too cold, internal body temperature will decrease, leading to increased huddling, & feed and water intake will be reduced, which can lead to less growth and susceptibility to disease.
Pre-Heating – It’s dependent on climate conditions, house insulation and heating capacity and will vary from farm to farm. Chicks do not have the ability to regulate body temperature for the first 5 days and self thermo regulation Capacity is not fully developed until 14 days of age.
At placement, floor temperatures should be at least 32 °C (95 °F) with forced air heating if required.
As you receive chicks, Temperature must be maintained properly without any fail.
Thermometer- Always use a thermometer to check temperature. Never judge by yourself. Always check temperature from height of birds & to be checked from many different areas of Brooding area.
It should not be hung close to the wall or behind something which hinders the air flow.
If Good temperature is not maintained, extra feed intake without better output, resulting in economic loss.
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First 7 Days Temperature must be 90-95 Degree Fahrenheit. If you are not able to keep this temperature at your farm Chicks/Bird will be in stress & stress invite disease.
So make your bird strong by giving no Stress by proper care. In the Rainy season, wind / air flow is high & it can cool your Poultry Farm & Temperature management could be disturb.
Proper management must be given to control strong wind to maintain temperature & good Curtain management. Keep the curtain of poultry farm Very Tight like, to avoid any failure. If Curtain failure either by accidentally done it can cause big damage to your Profit.
Best Temperature Management Parameter Below.
First Week- 95 Degree Fahrenheit
Second Week-90 Degree Fahrenheit
Third Week – 85 Degree Fahrenheit
Fourth Week- 80 Degree Fahrenheit
Fifth Week- 75 Degree Fahrenheit
Sixth- 70 Degree Fahrenheit
More Information- Before the chicks arrive, prepare a round brooding area surrounded by a cardboard fence approximately 16 inches high and 6 feet in diameter.
Some Poultry farmers use Infrared lamps as a convenient heat source in a brooder house. One 250 watt infrared lamp is usually sufficient to heat 100 chicks at an average temperature of 95°F.
Always should use more than one lamp so the chicks will not be without heat if a lamp burns out.
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