Traditional Chicks heater
I am sharing my personal experience of the last 20 years in Poultry business and covering all points to avoid mistakes many poultry farmers made and suffered huge losses.
Please note below precaution to avoid any loss.
1-All Chicks trays,
feeders and drinkers must be cleaned with disinfectant and well dried.
2-Chicks tray are better for early stage feeding. You can utilize the same Boxes as the feeder instead of the chick’s tray in which you received chicks by removing the middle part of boxes and cutting sides of Boxes.
3-Supplements you wish to give to chicks like electrolyte, multivitamins, multi minerals Jaggery or any other supplements must be already available before receiving chicks. Because early chicks need immediate energy and electrolyte for better performance. It may waste time to arrange supplements after receiving chicks and can cause stress.
4-Ensure Water supply and water tank must be cleaned properly with
disinfectants and no particles must be available in complete water supply.
5-Always cross check Gazes from all sides very carefully because predators like snakes, rats, Mongoose etc., can disturb chicks.In some cases Mongoose killed hundreds of poultry’s chicks at poultry farms.
6-Temperature must be maintained before receiving chicks for better performance.Temperature must be checked near to floor’s bottom and be careful, Thermometer must not be near any heating source.
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7-Always cross check Curtains carefully, if there will be any leakage, external cold air can decrease the temperature inside Poultry’s shed. It will not be able to maintain the temperature at any cost.
8-In many cases I personally found many poultry farmers fell in trouble because they received poultry feed Very late after receiving chicks. So poultry feed must be available before receiving chicks. Always provide crumbs feed to Chicks and avoid Mash feed at least in the initial stage.
9-Minimum 2-3 inches litter is required for better comfort and absorption.Never use less litter. Litter must be well dried and free from sand and free from unwanted material at any cost
10-Cross checks the heating system before receiving chicks. Heating system must be cross checked for the safety of chicks. Because some heating systems like heaters attract Chicks and chicks can be injured.Some Poultry farmers use traditional Bukhari.
You’re your chicks safe from the area where chicks get attracted to flames and may die or be injured.
11- Many poultry farmers depend upon only a single heating equipment, it’s not a good practice. Always use more than one heating equipment, In any case if one system stops working, in that case temperature can be controlled from the other system. It helps to spread / maintain temperature easily if one system fails.
12-If you give preference to an electric heating system, then power back is must in terms of Generator or other, otherwise it can be blunder if there is power cut.
13-In starting days Chicks need almost full time Light .
so alternative back for light should be taken care.
14-If you use the nipple system, cross check every nipple before receiving chicks. If you check the nipple after receiving chicks in that, if there will be any leaked nipple, it can spoil Litter.
15-Always install a weather application on your mobile. By this you will get a forecast of heavy wind or Rain on time. It will make you alert to take any decision .If you are receiving chicks in winter, always pack your poultry farm with Joot and Plastic curtains. Always prefer a round brooding facility for chicks and this work should be done before receiving chicks.
16-Some poultry farmers use only one layer of newspaper. It is not a good practice. Always prefer minimum 2–3 layers of Newspapers on litter.
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