yolk sack infection.
Yolk sac infection In Poultry also known as Omphalitis and main cause of death because of infection in newly hatched chicks. It may be possible chicks got infected during brooding in poultry farm or can be effected during incubation, while hatching
Effect Yolk sac infection- · First few weeks of chicken’s life · Drowsiness, minimal mobility, vent pasting and lack of interest of feeding in the chicken · Hygienic collection of eggs for incubation · Better management of the chicks during brooding · Avoid overcrowding and other stressful conditions
Some chicks with a yolk sac infection die within 24 hours of hatching and mortality can be continue up to 5-7 seven days and can become more severe. Some chicks can recover from this infection but can’t achieve desirable results.
Less immune system can make the bird’s are susceptible to other disease, if chicks are not able to properly absorb the yolk sac .
The yolk of the egg is a source of nutrients and protective antibodies for the chick for better immune system which helps chicks to fight disease resulting better output. When chicks are unable to absorb all of the nutrients, they will not be as strong and have a weakened immune system. Unhealed naval or open lesion, can makes the chick more susceptible to bacterial infection. When yolk sacs become infected.
Resulting yellowish-brown to green to yellowish red in color because of infection.
Loss of appetite, Diarrhea,Vent pasting, Swollen abdomen.
Now Solution. First we discuss about precaution must be taken care on Hatchery level or Breeding Farm.
Important Tips For Breeders To Store Eggs For less Chances of Yolk Sack Infection
1- Follow a First in First out system. Egg Shifting To Cool Room First ,Must be out First.
2-Always Use three-tier racks to store Hatching eggs in the cool room for better air circulation and hygiene management.
3- Window gate system with a wooden door is always better to avoid egg thermal shock caused by frequent opening of the cool room.
4-Spray or mop recommended disinfectants for a minimum of two times in a day. High dose and non recommended disinfectants can cause severe lose.
5- Insulated cool room is must with automatic door closer to maintain temperature levels.
6-Bring the room temperature to the required level half an hour before the eggs are placed.
7-Record the cool room temperature and relative humidity every hour, it helps to avoid any mistakes timely . The temperature
& Relative Humidity should be maintained as per requirement .
( Every Thing is Covered Deeply in Temperature & Relative Humidity Section)
8-Thermometer must not be near wall or near any bulb.
9-Proper gap between Boxes is better for proper circulation resulting better results.
10-Make sure eggs reaching to cool room within 1 hour to cool room from
breeder farms .
11- Proper cleaning and fumigation of hatching eggs is Must. Take it very seriously. Otherwise not only effect your profit but also effect Broiler Poultry farmer’s Profit.
12-Never do incubation of dirty eggs or eggs with eggshell defects.
13-High humidity levels during incubation can cause Yolk sack infection . So proper management of humidity must be taken care
14- Never do mistake by Assisting chicks out of their shells, let the chicks hatch on their own.
Line Of Treatment – If Some One Poultry’s Birds are Suffering From Yolk Sack Infection. Give Jaggery Water. Jaggery 1 kg for 1000 birds. Sodium Bicarbonate 1 Gram Per Liter , Ammonium Chloride 2 Grams Per Liter ..
Give Inj. Gentamycein and chloramphenicol Pure 7 Gms Per 1000 Chicks In Divided Doses Plus Multivitamins in water For 4 Days.
Note- Never treats the bird without consultation of your consultant and use dose advised by Consultant.
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